NBiB Guided tours @ Fringe by the sea
Groups in North Berwick whom we support
NBIB volunteers work with the Sea Bird Centre clubs and other local groups on current environmental projects such as SOS Puffin and Restoration Forth. Previously, we were involved with coastal groups celebrating "The Year of Coast and waters 2020".
NBIB helps the Day Centre with their garden area. Volunteers carry out routine maintenance, keep the garden tidy and have helped day centre clients to plant baskets with herbs and vegetables for use in the kitchen.
NBIB has been one of the partners of the Fringe by the Sea festival since 2019, offering guided horticultural walks of coastal plants and The Lodge as part of the programme. Since 2021 we have continued to supply floral displays for the event site in the Lodge grounds.
4. Lime Grove
Lime Grove Community took over a derelict piece of land on their street and are transforming it into a community space where local residents can grow plants, enjoy natural planting, and sit and have a chat with their neighbours. East Lothian Council Amenities team gave the group permission to turn an old run down playpark into a vibrant space with raised vegetable beds, a herb garden and seaside shingle garden. The Amenities team built a wide wheelchair accessible path and levelled the ground. Last year volunteers from NBIB took away sacks of weeds and brambles and new donations of compost and potato boxes have helped to build up some structure. The community held an open day to put forward ideas and agree a plan for the new garden. Volunteers from the Bass Rocketeers and other groups dug out more perennial weeds and laid weed-proof membrane for the natural planting area. Donated plants were planted out to form the backbone of the new garden which hopefully will be a focal point for residents and the scene of picnics and barbecues throughout the summer months.
The successful efforts of NBiB and other volunteers have improved Lime Grove to such an extent that the Community have entered the "Its your Neighbourhood Initiative" run by the RHS and Britain in Bloom.
5. NBiB volunteers join with community groups on litter picks on the beaches and islands.