Working with Young people:
North Berwick Playgroup: NBIB volunteers helped the playgroup staff redesign the outdoor area into a colourful educational environment. We built a pallet bed and made an initial planting which the staff and children will tend and replenish.
North Berwick Nursery School: The nursery has been awarded its third Green Flag for the EcoSchools programme (the top level of the award). Their playground is a wildlife garden, outdoor learning space and playground all in one. It is home to a native wildlife hedge, a wild corner, a water butt to collect rainwater and a log pile. A bird-cam allows the children to follow the progress of their nesting box, and they feed the birds daily. Garden waste is composted whilst a wormery deals with food waste. The children plant, grow and tend their own fruit and vegetables. NBIB volunteers join in with these activities and are available for encouragement and advice.
Law Primary School: NBIB volunteers run a gardening club or work with classes each year with the aim of encouraging the pupils to learn about the practical side of gardening and links with their community. In 2023 they ran an after school P3 club: the children measured amaryllis as they grew and flowered; grew marigolds, sunflowers and nasturtiums for themselves and for the NBIB/Gardening Club sale in May; potted dwarf daffodil bulbs and made Easter cards and gave them to the elderly people at the Scone Café; grew potatoes which they harvested at the end of June. In 2024 P5 classes will spend three afternoons planting bulbs to give to the elderly, planting seeds for their own gardens and a plant identification walk for their John Muir
In June 2019, the P6s held a climate change conference to which NBIB were invited. Our participation in the group, discussing trees, resulted in three of the pupils raising funds to buy sorbus trees for the Lodge which they helped to plant. These trees are growing well and attract wildlife.
Spring Bulb Competition: NBIB gives the primary and nursery schools, also the local playgroup, Beavers and Brownies, miniature daffodil bulbs to plant in pots and enter the Caley spring bulb show in March. In 2023 all were awarded silver or gold certificates and the Beavers were overall champion. The bulbs are then planted out in the school grounds or around the town.
North Berwick High School was the first High School in East Lothian to achieve the Green Flag award. NBIB volunteers have helped tidy an overgrown sanctuary garden and will meet with staff and pupils to plan its redevelopment. In the extra-curricular Duke of Edinburgh's Award horticulture is a skill and/or volunteering activity and two Bronze participants are currently volunteering with NBIB and were a great asset.
We are happy to get involved in any aspect of gardening and environment with our local schools.
North Berwick Beavers: In 2022 NBiB volunteers helped the Beavers plant root trees in the Country Park and returned the following year to tend them.
Young People's Mental Wellbeing Event: NBiB supports this important community event by producing a table display on the benefits of gardening and working with plants and being out in nature. Volunteers are also there and engage with the young people and parents