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Our Supporters

NBiB appreciates grants from
Renaissance Club Charitable Foundation
The Mushroom Trust
North Berwick Trust
North Berwick & Coastal Area Partnership
NB Golf Club Community Fund
Skipton Buil.Soc. Community Giving Scheme
The Stella Moffat Trust
The Wallace Trust

... and Donations from

NBiB also thank the following
ELC Landscape & Countryside team
North Berwick Community Council
North Berwick High School
Bass Rocketeers Community Group
ELC Ranger service
North Berwick Day Centre
The Harbour Trust
Law Primary School & Nursery
North Berwick Gardening Club
Rotary Club of North Berwick
Scottish Seabird Centre

All the Quiz-selling and can-holding traders
John Skillen at Sweet News for compiling Quizzes
Everyone in the town who supplies water from their taps: The Abbey Church, Tantallon Golf Club and the Police Station and North Berwick Fry
The Abbey Church, for giving a home to pallet gardens and plant sales
The Abbey Residential Home, for our greenhouses
Woodhead Eco Trees for helping hang baskets and removing high weeds
Alastair the Carousel Man for watering duties
and all of those who have donated but prefer to remain anonymous and others too numerous to mention.
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