Choose a Plant and Donate September 19th 10 am-12 noon @Abbey Church Yard
The Plant fundraiser for North Berwick will take place this Saturday morning and it looks like the weather will be fine!
Plants are being donated by North Berwick Gardening Club members who are kindly donating all proceeds to North Berwick in Bloom to help to buy plants and bulbs for next years displays and hanging baskets.
On Saturday, people will enter from the High Street, there will be hand sanitiser available and markers on the pavement showing a one way system and 2 m distances. The plants will be laid out in sections, shrubs, perennials, seedlings, houseplants etc, people can walk past the plants choosing as they go, donating as they exit onto Church Street. Donations can be made on line or into the donations cashbox. Its not imperative that you donate on the day. If you like a plant take it and donate when you get home via the web site. The link to the peoples fundraising site we use is below.
Whilst the main focus is the plants, some NBIB members will be putting out some produce (homemade jam, potatoes, apples from the garden etc).
The number of helpers will be kept to a minimum to allow social distancing. Although we will be there from 10-12, the plan is to leave the plants out for the weekend so if you can't make 10-12 there may still be an opportunity to pick up a plant or ten!!! Donations can made on line.
Our thanks go to all the volunteers who donate plants, the Minister of the Abbey Church, Dr Graham and his team for giving permission to hold the event, and finally the residents of North Berwick who always give us so much support.