2022 Year of Stories
Here is North Berwick in Bloom’s contribution to Scotland’s Year of Stories 2022 as we celebrate stories inspired by, written, or created in Scotland.
East Lothian Council Amenities department have for many years designed and planted a memorable summer floral display in the carpet bed of the Lodge Grounds. The Amenities team works in close co-operation with ‘North Berwick in Bloom’ to choose the theme of the carpet bed which is planned annually as a tribute to some aspect important to the town and/or nation.
This year the striking carpet bed depicts a skull and cross bones which is a link to ‘Treasure Island’, the famous novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, who spent many childhood summers in the town with his extended family and his holiday memories influenced several of his books. NBIB has chosen the iconic image of a gannet to feature in their boat at the top of the Quadrant with an extract from RLS’s novel ‘Catriona’ linking it to the Year of Stories. In School Road, you will also find NB Coastal Communities Museum’s exhibition section on RL Stevenson and his lighthouse engineering family.
Shared stories are a vital part of Scotland’s culture promoting a sense of place, history and belonging and every community has a different tale to tell.
Look out for extracts from a variety of stories in shop windows in our High Street and find your favourite.